DAL Chair: Audrey Dutton

Daughters At Large

Who Is a Daughter At Large?

A Daughter at Large is a member of The Order of the Daughters of the King® who, because of logistics, geography, or other reasons, is a member of a church with no chapter (see The National Bylaws of The Order, Article III Section 3.C). She wears her cross daily, undertakes a Rule of Life, and pays her annual dues. When a Daughter moves away from a chapter, she has the option of staying affiliated with her chapter through mutual agreement, or becoming at-large. To become at large, a Daughter must notify the Membership Coordinator at the National Office via the Transition Form (must be signed in to complete the online fillable form).

Becoming a Daughter at Large

Notify the National Office via the Transition Form  of your new status. Keep the National Office informed about any changes of address, etc. Be certain that you are current in the payment of dues.

Notify the National DAL Chair and your Province III DAL Chair as listed above. She can put you in touch with your diocesan contact person if there is one in your diocese to be sure you are on their mailing list. She can tell you if there may be other DALs in your area.

Find a chapter nearest you. Contact the church or chapter president, if listed, to introduce yourself.

You may stay in contact with other DALs through the Yahoo Groups email prayer list. 
Wear your cross daily! It is a wonderful evangelism tool.

Continue faithfully in prayer...for your church, other Daughters, and all others in need. Perhaps you may want to start a chapter in your new church!

Look for ways to serve as you are able. Remember... BLOOM WHERE YOU ARE PLANTED!
For further questions, special prayer requests, a listening ear or suggestions please do not hesitate to contact me! We plan to expand The Order of the Daughters of the King® website so that all of our Daughters at Large may have access to resources and materials for spiritual formation that you may miss by not being part of a Chapter.

If you are interested in becoming a Daughter At Large, or would just like more information, please contact the Province DAL Chair. We would love you to explore the possibility of a Chapter at your parish!

Find out more from the National Daughters of the King Website!